Mission Resolve Foundation purchased 6 reconditioned forklifts of varying lift capacities with the minimum lift of 4,500 lbs as well as 10 new pallet jacks to be used for Bahamas relief needs. The forklifts will be loaned to NEMA, free of charge, to unload and deliver aid as long as necessary. When NEMA no longer needs the forklifts, they will be returned to Mission Resolve Foundation and kept as response asset inventory to be used in future disaster efforts.

The forklifts were purchased through Worldwide Forklift in Fort Lauderdale, FL. On the day that Joe planned to visit and negotiate the purchase of the forklifts, an insurance company called him to advise that a past employee of Resolve Marine Group, Marc Bush, who had recently died of cancer, left Mr. Farrell both his retirement 401k and life insurance. Mr. Farrell, in turn, used the generosity of Marc to purchase the forklifts that will assist in current and future disaster relief efforts. As fate would have it, the amount that was left by Marc was the same amount needed to purchase the six forklifts.

“I simply was humbled and honored by the generosity of Marc Bush. I think he knew that these funds would be used to help others. When I heard of the urgent need for forklifts to assist in recovery efforts, I wanted the money to go directly to help the Bahamas,” said Mr. Joseph E. Farrell, Jr. “We should all remember that we come into the world with nothing and we are certainly going to leave the world with nothing. Heck, who knows maybe if we do enough good while we are here, we get to spend another 10 to 12 minutes here.”

When Marc’s sister, Denise Colgan heard what the monies would be used for she said, “I am so very proud of Marc! He always thought of others and it amazes me that beyond his passing he is still helping others. Using the monies that Marc left to help a disaster recovery is truly a blessing”

Mission Resolve Foundation is providing an instructor to train and certify NEMA employees as forklift operators. It is important that proper safety protocols are followed and that only those qualified individuals operate the heavy machinery.

On Saturday October 19th Katherine B. Smith​President of the Senate & Nema Coordinator Grand Bahama Island​, Carl Smith​, Permanent Secretary (Ministry of Disaster Preparedness, Management & Reconstruction)​ and Carl Oliver, Director (Ministry of Disaster Preparedness, Management & Reconstruction)​ visited Worldwide Forklift to receive the gifted forklifts.

“NEMA is delighted to receive much needed equipment from the Mission Resolve Foundation.  The donation of forklifts and pallet jacks will help us better meet the demands of the public, as we continue to provide much needed relief supplies from East to West Grand Bahama” says Senator Katherine Smith, NEMA Grand Bahama Coordinator. “The Foundation continues to support the restoration efforts not only in Grand Bahama but in Abaco and the Cays and their partnership with NEMA has been outstanding.”

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